Tooth Colored Fillings in Summer Creek

Tooth-Colored Fillings You Can Rely On

When it comes to their kids, virtually all parents would say that they want what's best for them. Fillings are oftentimes the best option when a child either already has cavities or it seems clear that there are cavities likely to develop in this child's future. This is among the most commonly suggested solutions by dental professionals.

Tooth-Colored Fillings: What Are They?

For many patients, it helps to have a firm understanding of what dental fillings are so that you can have the confidence to get them done.

Fillings are used to literally fill in the parts of your teeth that have taken on some damage. By filling the areas in before a larger problem is created, future cavities can be prevented before they start to get worse. Of all the filling options available, those that are colored to imitate the natural hue of the tooth are what many people prefer.

The dental damage may have been the result of a dental injury; other times, teeth grinding is the culprit. But it's not just tooth grinding that is notorious for causing tooth damage. Nail-biting is oftentimes just as detrimental to the enamel of the teeth. People oftentimes don't realize just how much their teeth are bumping and biting against each other when they chew on their nails.

Get Your Tooth-Colored Fillings Before It's Too Late

It is important to keep in mind that when you don't take action and have those damaged areas filled in, it paves the way for bacteria to get into the cavity, giving it free access to the pulp that is within your teeth. The result is often a painful toothache that may necessitate a root canal nerve treatment in the most severe cases.

This is also a major problem with cracks and chips that are already present in your teeth. Once a tooth has been damaged in this way, it simply paves the way for bacteria to get in and make the issue steadily worse.

What Happens When You Get a Tooth-Colored Filling?

During this procedure, the process starts with the removal of the decayed portion of the tooth or teeth in question. After this has been completed, a thorough cleaning is performed, ensuring that the new filling has a truly fresh start.

Once the area is cleaned and ready, it is time for Dr. Hemphill to install the new fillings. The procedure is concluded with one more cleaning to leave you with the brightest smile possible.

Give Cuddle Kids Dental Care in Fort Worth, TX a call now to talk about your tooth-colored filling options. You can also visit our website for more information.